Hi, I'm Josué MONGAN

Welcome to the place where Imagination is turned into Reality, where Simplicity underlines Amazing Ideas.

Passionate MERN Developer | Self-taught C++ developer | AI enthusiast

About me

Hello again😁, I'm Josué Mongan, a passionate and dedicated MERN full-stack web developer and self-taught C++ enthusiast. Thanks God, my journey in programming began in high school. And ever since, I have been driven by a relentless curiosity to delve deeper into the vast world of computer science.

With a solid foundation in the MERN stack—comprising MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js—I have developed a keen ability to build robust, scalable, and user-friendly web🌐 applications. My expertise in C++ further complements my skill set, allowing me to tackle complex algorithms and performance-critical applications with confidence and precision.

I thrive on challenges and am always eager to expand my knowledge, staying abreast of the latest technological advancements💻 and industry best practices. My goal is to continue growing as a developer, contributing to innovative projects, and making a meaningful impact through my work.

When I'm not coding, you can find me immersing myself in a good book📚 or playing video games. I am also an avid jazz and gospel music lover and enjoy playing piano🎹 in my spare time.

My Skills

Hard Skills

Soft Skills


Weather App

I've completed a number of interesting projects to display my skills. I will show an overview here but they can be further seen on my github page. Some of the projects are online, so go check the github and leave a star💫 if possible!

Weather App

A simple JavaScript based web app that helps you see the weather ⛅.

It makes usage of two APIs: one to fetch the country code and another for the weather informations. It displays a solid use of JavaScript and the DOM but also a good understanding of network requests and asynchronous programming.
During this project I've learned how to use APIs and how to handle the data they send back. I've also learned how to use the DOM to display the data in a user-friendly way.

I've struggled😅 a bit to find a good way to display the weather data and managing the restrictions for the search bar. But I've managed to do it and I'm really proud of the result. It's a really simple app but I think it really makes a solid use of the basic technologies.

You can find the source code here.

Tech Company Website

Modest website for selling products coded mainly using Express and Handlebars. It's really simple 😄.

This project really helped me using express to handle routes. Through it I've also discovered the usage of the view engine Handlebars. I've used a middleware to make the site only available between 9 AM and 5 PM.

Through this project I've learned how to use Express to handle routes and how to use Handlebars to display the data. It really gave me a good understanding of routes definition and middlewares. I'm also really proud of the design of the website.

You can find the source code here. You can also find the demo here.

C++ Task Manager

Simple tasks manager wrote in C++. I haven't done the GUI yet so it runs in the terminal. But I plan to do it with Qt.

I implemented a task manager that can help you keep your tasks, delete some and even see the saved tasks. The tasks are saved in a file so that they don't disappear after the user closes the program. It is fully implemented in C++. I made it so that the code is really easy to understand for someone with some knowledge of C++ and STL. For the time being it only works in the Terminal. But there will be an app version done with Qt in the near future.

You can find the source code here.

Social Media Website

A complete social media platform where users can post content and view others' posts. It's built with Next.js, TypeScript, TailwindCSS for the style and Mongoose(MongoDB) for the database.

This web app uses complex interactions between user, post and comment models in other to display the user&pos;s data and the posts. Like any other social media app, it has a home page where you can see other people posts, a creation page to add your own, a search page to find your friends and their posts on the app and finally a profile page to manage your account.

The project really helped me dive deeper into state management in React and in Next.js. I've also had the opportunity to deal with complex models and data structures, using referencing and embedding in MongoDB. I'm really proud of the result and I think it's a really good project to show my skills in web development.

You can find the source code here.

Coffee Shop Website

Le Café du Coin is a demonstration website for a café, built with React via create-react-app. This project showcases the key features of a modern showcase site, offering an intuitive, responsive user interface.

The used technologies are React and TailwindCSS. This project demonstrates my ability to create modern, attractive web applications, essential for any commercial or showcase site development.

You can find the source code here. You can also find the demo here.

Health Appointment

An appointment app made with Next.js and TailwindCSS. It's the greatest project I've worked on till now.

This web app is fully made with Next.js. I've used Mongoose to connect to my MongoDB database and to define appointments and users' schemas. I've used TailwindCSS for the style. On the app, as a patient you can requests appointments and keep track of the responses. As a secretary, you can see the requests and give an answer that is an appointment. The doctor just has to see the appointments and the patients' informations.

The part where I struggled the most is the management of the security and the restrictions on the app. It was really challenging to imagine all the cases and the possibilities to try to avoid disorder and attacks.

You can find the source code here. You can also find the demo here.

Those are only a part of my projects. You can see a few others here. But, I also have many more on my github page check them out and leave a star💫 if you like them!

Let's connect

Happy you came all the way down 🥳. I would be glad to connect with you. So why not leave your impression of the website. Have a nice day!